Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> "Sheldon" > said:
> > Simply amazing the high falootin' euphemisms that have been concocted
> > to describe what in fact is "Lazy Spoiled Irresponsible Brat Syndrome".
> >
> > Whatever happened to "Temper Tantrum" and "Hissy Fit"... now they call
> > it "Manic", and "feelin' sorry for yourself/craving pity" is now
> > "Depressed". Awwww, po' baby. Bipolar is nothing a stint in the
> > military can't cure.
> Sheldon, you ignorant slut. 
> Bipolar disorder is PROVEN to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the
> brain.
*Everything* composing a living organism is chemical. duh
All behaviours (including anti-social) can be altered chemically, with
nicotine, booze, grass, all sorts of narcotics/opiates including a
litany of prescription drugs, and *everything* one ingests/eats... of
course then new behaviours emerge, including new anti-social
behaviours. In any event, whichever route you take it's a catch 22,
whatever path you're not for real, none of your personas are genuine,
they're all manipulated chemically. *You* don't even know who you are.
Whatever you're taking the treatment is worse than the disease.
You're really quite ****ed up... the saddest part is you take great
pleasure in bragging unrelentlessly about how ****ed up you are, as
though it were something to be proud of... you're even ecstatic that
you hacked off your perfectly healthy tits... why don't you relate that
story again for the newbies, with all the gory details.... you know you
want to get more milage out of that sick saga. I mean like if you had
to mutilate yourself to get attention couldn't you do something within
the realm of normalcy, like getting some tattoos and/or body
piercings... no, you being totally brain bent had to find some butcher
who'd hack off your tits... did you at least dine on them, post the