Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> "Sheldon" > said:
> > Simply amazing the high falootin' euphemisms that have been concocted
> > to describe what in fact is "Lazy Spoiled Irresponsible Brat Syndrome".
> >
> > Whatever happened to "Temper Tantrum" and "Hissy Fit"... now they call
> > it "Manic", and "feelin' sorry for yourself/craving pity" is now
> > "Depressed". Awwww, po' baby. Bipolar is nothing a stint in the
> > military can't cure.
> Sheldon, you ignorant slut. 
> Bipolar disorder is PROVEN to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the
> brain.
> You're making a fool of yourself. This would be a good time to quietly
> slip into obscurity until everyone forgets what an assinine statement you
> just made.
OMG, I just figured it out! Sheldon is really Tom Cruise, posting
under a pseudonym! He knows the *history* of psychiatry, he knows all
*sorts* of things about mental illness that none of the rest of us
knows, because he's reached whatever-the-hell level it is of S*tology!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am just in *awe* that Tom
Cruise would think enough of us to actually post here!
Tongue firmly in cheek...err...between lips...
Lisa Ann