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In article >,
"Kswck" > wrote:

> Is there a quintessential website for canning?
> My sauce making this year was again limited to packaging in freezer bags and
> a big freezer-not really wanting the hassle of canning as well.
> I understand that it is not particularly difficult, but I wonder how big of
> a deal it is in addition to crushing 4-5 bushels of tomatoes, making the
> sauce and THEN canning it.
> Suggestions?

I'm a novice and even _I_ can can tomatoes. :-)
They are by FAR the easiest things to can!
And yes, there is little difference in canning
the pre-made sauces.

There is a preservation/canning list on usenet.
I'll bet Melba can point you to it?


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson