""alan[rem????????????" <"alan[rem???????????? wrote in message
> I've had sirlon burgers made by a butcher that deals exclusively with
> prime meats and they sell patties that are meaty but very good. They
> also seem to be more dense than mine were, so I have a feeling I
> didn't pack them as tight as a patty maker would have done. However,
> even though it's sirloin, I have no way of knowing how much fat they
> added or how much the sirloin was aged, if at all. They only charge
> $4.95 a pound and for them that's cheap, as their prime meats are $28
> a pound.
> Don't hamburgers made from sirloin, given the same fat content, taste
> different than hamburgers made from chuck?
The problem is that sirloin has less fat than chuck so to get the same
content you would have to add fat. Why bother when chuck is just right?
Sirloin might taste slightly different but not better. Remember, more
expensive cuts cost more because they are tender, not because they have
better flavor! And aging meet to be ground makes no sense because aging is
to increase tenderness.
Peter Aitken
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