"Paisleyskye" > wrote in message
. ..
> Hi,
> I made a ham last night and have lots of leftovers. I have been searching
> the net all day for a good leftover ham recipe but I can't find anything
> appealing - i.e. I don't want to cook it as an omlet, the casseroles don't
> really appeal to me because I don't like them, and soup just isn't the thing
> when it's this hot out.
> Anybody have a great idea for leftover ham? I'd really appreciate it.
> Take Care,
> Tracey
Ger out the:
black eyed peas
Lima Beans
Ham salad
Chef's Salad
Pineapple Glazed Ham Steaks
Ham and Eggs with Red eye gravy
Red Eye Gravy
According to legend and not necessarily facts, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), 7th
President of the United States, who was an American General at the time, called
his cook over to tell him what to prepare. The cook had been drinking
"moonshine" corn whiskey the night before and his eyes were as red as fire.
General Jackson told the cook to bring him some country ham with gravy as red as
his eyes. Some men nearby heard the general and from then on, ham gravy became
"Red Eye Gravy."