I am in DE and may have a chance to go to Miesbach/South Germany.
AFAIK remember, there was a bakery/baker described in the German Part
of Joe Ortiz's book in this little town.
I did not take the book nor notes with me because I haven't thought
about it before I left.
Could somebody who has the book, please look up that section and post
the name of the baker and bakery. If I get a chance, I will go there
and take a few pictures if possible and worth it. I am kind of curious
about it.
On other accounts, I saw a brief video about the Hofpfisterei (Organic
bakery in Munich) which was shown on Bavarian TV in 2004. Very
interesting to see. The people running the bakery had to start getting
their own supply system for organic ingredients together because it was
not availabe. They were partially laughed at and declared crazy.
Eventually, they were able to go fully organic with great success.
They said they could have made much more money by doing it the way all
the other bakeries did but they were kind of stubborn and stuck to
their father's idea of water, flour and salt (and spices) being the
only ingredients which go into bread.
Anyway, that's it so far under another news email account from Bavaria.