Who has "The Village Baker" by Joe Ortiz?
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Mike Avery
Posts: n/a
>I am in DE and may have a chance to go to Miesbach/South Germany.
remember, there was a bakery/baker described in the German Part
>of Joe Ortiz's book in this little town.
That would be Kurt König at Brot König, Martkplatz 5, Miesbach.*
>I did not take the book nor notes with me because I haven't thought
>about it before I left.
Heh, heh...
>Could somebody who has the book, please look up that section and post
>the name of the baker and bakery. If I get a chance, I will go there
>and take a few pictures if possible and worth it. I am kind of curious
>about it.
I'd love to see pictures, and hear your opinions about their breads.
Make sure you try them all!
Also, try to get some roggenmehl and bring it home with you. I saw an
article recently where someone was commenting that the Germans are in
awe of American wheat, but American rye is not too good. It'd be
interesting to see what the differences are. (It might have been a post
....The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvaldis claims to be trying to take over the world...
Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
home baker ICQ 16241692
networking guru AIM mavery81230
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