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Default Food Safety and amount of cooking for steak?

On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 21:55:40 +1100, Paul > wrote:

>I just have a few questions about food safety whilst cooking steak and
>beef in general. As i like my steak a little on rare side, but have to
>been to scared to eat it that way
>1). At what point would a steak be under cooked, so that it would make
>the eater sick? I have seen some people eat some very rare steaks!
>2). Does this point alter if the meat has been frozen and then fully
>3). Do these same rules apply to similar cuts of lamb? ie. lamb cutlets
>and steaks.

The e. coli contamination problem in beef is mostly to do with giant
batches of ground meat where one source can transfer to large
quantities. As the bacteria does not grow in the interior of meat, a
rare steak with a seared outside is pretty safe. Note also that this
is *not* a problem naturally occurring in all beef (or raspberries or
apple juice), but a rather rare contamination issue.

Approx. 50 to 100 deaths annually in the US are estimated to be due to
E. coli 0157:H7. 42,000 die in traffic accidents.

Freezing doesn't de-activate e. coli.

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