Homemade vanilla ice cream?
Hi, I'm sure this topic has been addressed in one form or another on
the net. I've done some searching and found many threads about ice
The question I pose is pretty specific (in my mind) though. Does
anyone else remember the vanilla ice cream that little old ladies made
at church functions / social events? I can envision a certain taste, a
certain texture that I still long for to this day. It's been at least
15 years since I had such an ice cream.
In an attempt to recreate my childhood memory, I bought a "bachelor"
ice cream maker, VillaWare brand, but it's just not the same. Maybe
the maker has nothing to do with it.
I'm using a simple vanilla recipe from a Ben and Jerry's recipe book.
Heavy whipping cream, milk, vanilla, sugar, eggs. Very
straightforward, but it comes nowhere near the taste I'm looking for.
If there are any old church ladies who know how to help me, I
appreciate it! If I need to buy an old hand cranking machine and take
an hour to prepare the mixture, I'm willing to do it.