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In article >,
"Paisleyskye" > wrote:
>I made a ham last night and have lots of leftovers. I have been searching
>the net all day for a good leftover ham recipe but I can't find anything
>appealing - i.e. I don't want to cook it as an omlet, the casseroles don't
>really appeal to me because I don't like them, and soup just isn't the thing
>when it's this hot out.
>Anybody have a great idea for leftover ham? I'd really appreciate it.

Leftover cold ham? Jesus Christ, mate, just *eat* the bloody stuff!

Nothing better than slices of cold ham... Bung it on a sandwich with
mustard ar whatever if you must; but I'll take it straight, thank you!

If you're having eggs for breaky (fried or poached) then eat plenty of
ham with them too -- *don't* reheat it, just eat it cold with the

If you've got any left, eat it with a salad for lunch.

What's the problem?

Cheers, Phred.
