"cathyxyz" > wrote in message
> Shaun aRe wrote:
> <snipping>
> > Starting to become Autumnish here now. Hope I don't get depressed like I
> > last year, UGH! I'm solar powered yasee
> Well, you are obviously living in the wrong hemisphere...
Or just too far from the equator - tell me 'boudit!?!? It hasn't much
bothered me (like it used to!!) for years, but last year was bad, for Kath
and myself ;-(
> I will send
> you some (virtual) sunshine, cos we have plenty of that about 8 months
> of the year
Thank you so much! I am sure my virtual happiness will keep me going all
winter LOL! ',;~}~
Cheers Cathy!
Only an hour now and my w/e starts. Have a good one yourself!
Shaun aRe