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  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2005-09-09, > wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm embarassed to even be here because I'm a terrible cook.

We all were at one time!

My favorite offtheshelf pasta sauce is Golden Grain Marinara Sauce. I
like it because it's been around since the invention of dirt and what
my mom used to use it when I was a kid. I add 1-2 small cans of
tomato sauce, leetle water, some sauted ground beef/pork w/
onions/garlic, and a couple of dashes of "Italian seasoning". If you
put'n on da dog, saute some fresh mushrooms with the
meat/onions/garlic and add sliced black olives when you put it to bed
to simmer. You can have "spuh-ghetts like mama uzed to make", inna
