Mike Pearce wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > I don't know about cheaper but making fresh pasta is DEFINITELY more fun
> > than boxed!!!
> >
> > Andy
> Making just about anything from scratch is more fun than buying it
> pre-made.
That's not true... when was they last time you ate meat that you
gutted... I don't consider preparing a package of chicken quarters from
scratch... I don't see the fun in gutting a chicken and then an hour
later eating same. A package of chicken parts is more like cooking in
kit form, same as paint by numbers. Today most all foods are purchased
nearly prepared... you must be very young. I'm willing to bet most
folks reading rfc have never gutted a chicken, many have never cut one
up, or even touched one with bare hands. I've been invited to dinners
where I was served reheated rotisserie deli chicken, served with the
pretence of home made from scratch... the only from scratch was
transfering it to a fancy serving platter, with tongs.