cathyxyz wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > That's not true... when was they last time you ate meat that you
> > gutted... I don't consider preparing a package of chicken quarters from
> > scratch... I don't see the fun in gutting a chicken and then an hour
> > later eating same. A package of chicken parts is more like cooking in
> > kit form, same as paint by numbers. Today most all foods are purchased
> > nearly prepared... you must be very young. I'm willing to bet most
> > folks reading rfc have never gutted a chicken, many have never cut one
> > up, or even touched one with bare hands. I've been invited to dinners
> > where I was served reheated rotisserie deli chicken, served with the
> > pretence of home made from scratch... the only from scratch was
> > transfering it to a fancy serving platter, with tongs.
> >
> > Sheldon
> >
> Only some of what you say is true. Depends where you live.
> These days, most people do go to the local butcher or fish
> monger for their "fresh" meat, poultry or fish,
*Depends where you live*... not in the US... in the US the vast
majority shop for meat at stupidmarkets, and almost always not out of
choice, very few locations have butcher shops, poultry markets, and
fish mongers anymore.
Must you in every post remind everyone that you live in a third world
country... WE HEARD YOU... everyone else participating in this thread
lives in more advanced circumstances and is commenting from that
general consensus... you on the other hand obviously have nothing
appropriate to contribute, you're just being a juvenile pest with a
desire to barge into adult conversation... your "Depends where you
live." comment has long ago lost its novelty, its no longer
appropriate, it's a put-down, it's ignorant, it's RUDE! If you want
people to respect your life style choice stop harping on it... self
praise is no recommendation. I for one have long ago figured out from
your snide sideways comments that you are not happy with where/how you
chose to live, you'd return in a flash if only you had the means. Only
the wealthiest of Americans can adapt to retirement living in Central
America, and even many of the wealthy cannot, they are too used to
those common comforts that most Americans enjoy and take for granted
that are just not available anywhere there, not at any price. The
wealthy that do adapt fly backwards and forwards on a weekly basis for
major shopping and all medical needs. I know of what I speak, I lived
in Central America and traveled there extensively. I was one of those
who could have afforded to live there financially and almost did but
decided at the last hour that I didn't want to spend my retirement
going without the niceities I've grown accustomed to. I know a number
of Americans who did choose to retire to Central America, who became
elderly and frail and had to return anyway, they are in US nursing
homes, couldn't survive but a few months in what Central America calls
a nursing home, those are much closer to very crude hospices. Central
Americans don't go to hospitals to get cured, they go to hospitals to