jmcquown wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > Dave Smith wrote:
> >>
> >> kr_gentner wrote:
> >>
> >>> Most baked items are cheaper to make than to buy. You can also use
> >>> the flour and cocoa to make cake. A good selection of staples
> >>> allows you to make a wide variety of things. Add yeast and you can
> >>> make all sorts of breads cheap too.
> >>
> >> Some things just aren't worth the work. We have an Italiian bakery
> >> in our town that makes wonderful and sells it for $1.40 per loaf.
> >> With just two of us in the house, and my wife not eating bread, it
> >> just isn't worth all that work to make a batch of bread if I can
> >> pick up a loaf that is better than I can make.
> >
> > And then there are school bake sales,
> > where you can often find a REAL bargain . . .
> > :-)
> Um, don't you have to have children enrolled in the school in order to
> attend a school bake sale? This may not be the case all over. It wasn't a
> bake sale but in a fit of nostalgia when I was 30-something I stopped by my
> old high school to have a look around. I couldn't just wander around. I
> was directed to the office where I had to sign in and state my reason for
> being there. Long gone are the days of public "car washes" as fundraisers
> (at least not without a teacher or two or some parents present) and bake
> sales and "cake walks" open to the general public. There are just too many
> nuts running out there for whom schools are a major attraction.
If it is an in house, during school hours, probably yes - that you have
to be a parent, or employee of the school. If they are having it as
part of a holiday crafts fair, probably no. At least in our district in
the US, the holiday crafts fair and bake sale was open to the general
public. The crafts were genuinely high quality stuff - stained glass,
basketry, ironwork from a local blacksmith, etc. The school did the
bake sale. The craftsmen rented space and donated 10% of their sales to
the school district clothing closet and food pantry (we had 60% of the
students at or below poverty level at times).