On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 02:34:35 GMT, "FDR"
> wrote:
><day > wrote in message
.. .
>> What should have happened :
>> If they didn't want to get on a bus, their only other choice is to
>> possibly die. You can't save someone that refuses to get to safety.
>> Authority to issue evacuations of elements of the population is vested
>> in the Mayor. By Executive Order, the chief elected official, the
>> Mayor of the City of New Orleans, has the authority to order the
>> evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane.
>> Conduct of an actual evacuation will be the responsibility of the
>> Mayor of New Orleans in coordination with the Director of the Office
>> of Emergency Preparedness, and the OEP Shelter Coordinator.
>> Use of buses is covered in the city plan and the state plan.
>> I counted in the picture that is being passed around approx 135 school
>> buses alone that could be seen. If each was used to hold 30 people
>> that would have been 4,050 per trip that could have been moved . It is
>> estimated that NORTA(city buses) has 364 buses. If 60 crowed in during
>> the evac, 21,840 per trip could be moved. Together 25,890 people could
>> have evaced. Mayor Nagin said 80% of the city left when ordered. The
>> population census for 2000 says 484,674 people lived there, 387,740
>> evaced on there own. The buses could have taken the remaining 96,934
>> out in about 4 trips. Taking the people maybe 100 miles inland and
>> empty the city in around 12 hours.
>Taking them inland to what? Was there a place to shelter and house all
>these people? You're not going to drop them off in the middle of the path
>of a hurricane without protection. At least the Superdome gave shelter
>during the storm.
I give up. You people bitch and whine that nothing was done. Then you
bitch and whine when something was done and the only thing you guys
can come up with is "leave them there". Jesuss they had 4 days
warning, somebody there couldn't pick-up a phone and find out where to
take them? They couldn't call an airport to use their hangers or
something? The Superdome was a "shelter of last resort".