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On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 19:55:08 -0500, "jmcquown" > wrote:

><RJ> wrote:
>> I'm reminded of an old bar-bet;
>> It's for guys with nothing beter to do,
>> who spend lots of time sitting around bar-rooms.
>> Using a shot glass,
>> Drink 60 (?) beers in 60 minutes.
>> ie one shot-glass of beer every minute. ( not sooner, not later )
>> Then, walk across the room if you can.
>> <rj>

>No law-abiding bar (okay, that sounds funny) would allow this any more. We
>had a place in Memphis (East End Grill) have their liquor license yanked
>after allowing a group of college kids get into a drinking contest. Not
>only did they allow it, witnesses said the employees encouraged it. And
>they weren't drinking beer. I can't remember the exact drink but it was one
>of those fru-fru red things with about 4 liquors in it. Not only were the
>employees aware the kids were loaded and kept on serving them, one of the
>boys collapsed and died of severe alcohol poisoning.
>I enjoy my beer and wine. But drinking contests and shit like this are just
>stupid. (And I don't drink and drive.) I have no use for a beer that is
>25% alcohol. Keep your PGA and other stuff with no purpose other than to
>get you drunk FAST. Where's the fun in that, really? It's like the hot
>sauce thread - it isn't sauce, it's just hot. Eat some raw Thai chillies if
>you want to burn your mouth off. I'll say no thanks

Now, how could you possibly get hurt drinking
a shot-glass full of beer ?
Doesn't really sound extreme.

BTW; College kids use beer-bongs or funnels.