Girl's tragic end...
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 16:18:13 GMT, "Darryl L. Pierce,,,"
> wrote:
>Nexis wrote:
>> He confessed. Regardless of who it was to, he made the statement.
>No, he didn't. A confession is an admission to the police that he did
>something. It's corroborated by either videotape of the confession or a
>signature on a transcript of the confession. Neither of those is the case
>here. An inmate has claimed Smith confessed *to him* that he did it and
>where the body's located, but there's nothing to corroborate it that has
>been identified by the authorities. It's purely hearsay at this point.
>And, here's the twist: what if the person who claims Smith confessed to him
>is the one who *did* do the crime and is trying to use this claim to
>further pin the blame on Smith? Not impossible, though I doubt that's the
>case here. The point is, what you have is *not* a confession. It's
Darryl a "confession" need not be videotaped nor written to be
admissible in a court of law.
And the statement to a fellow prisoner, will also (possibly) be
admitted in court, as a statement against interest.
Pan Ohco