For chamomile, grocery store is fine. Like Scott said, chamomile is a weed
and it is grown like a weed and you can't expect much. If you are looking
for advice on tea, white, green, red(black), pu-er, this is a good forum.
I've also seen reasonable advice on mate and roobois. But chamomile is,
well, chamomile.
formerly LB
"Scott Dorsey" > wrote in message
> > wrote:
>>I was wondering what is the best tea maker out there and where are some
>>good places to get it. I love chamomile. I am sure I am not drinking
>>the most flavorable brands.(just grocery store brands.) Would love some
> Chamomile is a weed. You plant some in your backyard, cut it and dry it
> in the microwave or in a bundle in a dry location, and make your tisane
> with it. It is very easy to grow, and it will taste better when it is
> comparatively fresh.
> No reason to involve some manufacturer somewhere. It's not like actual
> tea.
> --scott
> --
> "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."