Thread: OT Buses
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  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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_.-In, jrkrideau wrote the following -._
> One could
> throw the cats in the pet carrier, bungy cord it to the bike's carrier
> rack,

The next time you see someone on a bike take note as to if they have a
carrier rack, or a basket for that matter. Most people don't have
one. I have owned 5 bikes in the last 15 years, not one had a rack.
I have ridden at least 3 others, again no racks. Then look at the
bikes owned by people who have only a bike for their transportation[0]
and you will note that they do not have racks. They are expensive and
not nearly as efficient as a backpack for most day to day use.

Now assuming one had a rack and we put a carrier on it: we run into
two problems, 1) most cat carriers are far to big to tie down safely
to a bike rack. Try it. Any carrier small enough to safely transport
on a bike rack is going to be small enough that people will think you
are abusing your cat. 2) cats do not stay still. So now you have
this very large box tied to the rear of your bike, the cat moves
around a lot making the unbalanced bike nearly impossible to ride
safely. Add in people with cars trying to run you off the road and
the wind ****ing with the big windsail that is your carrier and you
are asking to be killed.

Don't forget to pack cat food. Or people food. And don't forget that
dogs are more popular of a pet than cats and you will never get a dog
carreir tied to a bike rack.

Oh ya, it is not legal to ride a bike on a freeway unless there is no
other way like crossing a body of water that has no other way around,
so this means using surfice streets to get out of town. You ever try
getting out of a city on just surfice streets?

Does anyone in this conversation actually ride a bike? Has anyone
here tried to plan a family trip when you don't have car? This entire
conversation seems like a bunch of men talking about abortion and not
asking any women about it or religous leaders deciding what goes in the
science text books.

.-')) ('-. | It's a damn poor mind that
' ..- .:" ) ( ":. -.. ' | can only think of one way to
((,,_;'.;' UIN=66618055 ';. ';_,,)) | spell a word.
((_.YIM=Faux_Pseudo :._)) | - Andrew Jackson