Thread: Mate
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On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 14:30:21 +0000, Dada wrote:

> Today I have bought MATE. Very nice taste, really good. I would like to
> know if any one of you have some experience with this kind of infusion. I
> know it is not a tea, but I think a tea drink should like it.
> About quantity: how much MATE do you use for a cup? The instruction are
> not really clear. They sei 3/4 of a particuar pumpkin they use in Brasil
> to drink it. I don't owe any pumpkin like that, but only a poor, simple
> tea cup. 3/4 of a cup looks really a lot. Levy Strauss (it is written on
> the package) used an handful of it for one person. I poured it by rough
> estimate. The taste was good, but I am not sure I made a good mate. How
> many tea spoons do you use usually? The MATE I bought has broken lieves
> inside: any quality has so? Do you know any site or book about this drink?
> I am sorry if I am off topic: i wish I don't. Thanks

Mate comes as green and as roasted tea. The green one is drunk from a
gourd and filter-straw, the roasted one is much like a black tea. The
green one is quickly bitter. Thr roasted Mate has flakey leaves, about 1 -
3mm in diameter. It is mainly drunk with sugar.