On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 22:23:24 -0400, I needed a babel fish to
understand "Jean B." > :
>Nancy Young wrote:
>> You know, that really makes me mad. I find a food
>> product I really like, I am the picture of brand loyalty.
>> All of a sudden, out of the blue, it's different, and you
>> see the brand was sold. Buy a good product with the
>> goal in mind, as you said, to count on people still
>> buying it, except don't bother making it the same
>> quality. Obviously they think we won't notice.
>> nancy
>I hate that! Don't they understand that if a product is
>successful, that it has to do with the quality? Even more
>galling is when they tell us it has improved, when the exact
>opposite has happened.
Its not a specific product.. But I have found Oranges are not what
they used to be. I don't ever recall when I was a child where I ate
an orange and it wasn't sweet and juicy...
I cant even find one now that's sweet and juicy.... almost feels
like its gunna suck the saliva out of my mouth.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
- Arthur C. Clarke