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Darryl L. Pierce,,,
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Default Girl's tragic end...

Ranee Mueller wrote:

>> How in the world can you make such a statement? If you didn't see the
>> video, how can you claim *anything* about it? You didn't *see* it.
>> How do you *know* it was his car in the video?

> I'm too young to have seen President Kennedy get shot, or the first
> manned flight in space. I haven't even seen Janet Jackson's wardrobe
> malfunction, but I believe they happened.

And I'm sure you've actually seen the Zabruder film of Kennedy, NASA's video
footage of the various launches and missions. You haven't seen the video of
Janet Jackson, but I'm sure you have, just not her breast. That you
*believe* them is not the same as what Nexis said. Nexis claimed that
Smith's guilty based on evidence s/he *hasn't* seen. Do you see the
difference and why Nexis's statement is ludicrous?

Darryl L. Pierce >
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"What do you care what other people think, Mr. Feynman?"