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  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

> Sorry All,
> But...
> There are different types of salt, some coarse, some fine. Some have
> additives, some don't. There may be subtle differences in flavor
> depending on where they came from, but all salt is chemically the same.
> "Kosher" means that it conforms to the dietary laws of Judaism.
> Nothing else.
> .

No apology is needed. You're just plain wrong. To insist otherwise
betrays your ignorance.

Are you arguing that salt not labelled "Kosher" does not conform to
Jewish dietary laws? Or are you arguing that such non-kosher-labelled
salt does comform to Jewish dietary laws but so does "kosher salt?" Or
are you arguing that such non-labelled salt conforms to Jewish dietary
laws and declining to take a position on the kashruth of non-labelled
