Girl's tragic end...
PENMART01 wrote:
>>Ranee Mueller deigns:
>>"Darryl L. Pierce,,," wrote:
>>>How in the world can you make such a statement? If you didn't see the
>>>video, how can you claim *anything* about it? You didn't *see* it.
>>>How do you *know* it was his car in the video?
>> I'm too young to have seen President Kennedy get shot, or the first
>>manned flight in space. I haven't even seen Janet Jackson's wardrobe
>>malfunction, but I believe they happened.
> Well, lots of others *witnessed* those events... and no one cares that you
> didn't... so do you think you're the god in charge of See-All?
>>"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of
>>heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man." Acts 17:24
> You're obviously extremely gullible... you haven't seen any god yet you
> believe... therefore you're either insane or a certifiable imbecile, and that
> is a fact! God does indeed live in man's shrines and nowhere else, within
> small malfunctioning brains. Religion is the greatest crime ever perpetrated.
> ---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> Sheldon
> ````````````
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
You are right!
But "man made" religions are one thing, and Existence is another. You
can't affirm that God exists, just like you can't dismiss It; absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence. You have no proof; we are just
beginning to understand the basics of the universe, and we have been
dead wrong in the past. But for those that believe in a First Cause,
then one must believe by faith.
The bulk of Jesus' followers and disciples were Jews; they must of seen,
felt,whatever, something, to have convinced them of converting to
Christianity (something very far apart from the Roman version which it
eventually evolved into.
Being a firm believer in evolution and in modern cosmology (and big bang
theory) I have found it difficult to accept everything I read in
religous books; rather, I have a viewpoint which is very different than
your average believer.
Dum spiro, spero. (Cicero) As long as I breathe, I hope.