Girl's tragic end...
> ravinwulf preaches:
"Darryl L. Pierce" wrote:
>>Tell me, do you think killing someone that you're not sure is guilty would
>>make things better? Do you think killing someone who might or might be
>>guilty is justice?
>Of course not. What seems to be escaping you is the fact that I am
>certain Smith is guilty. You have your doubts. Fine. I don't.
>Tracy R.
Not all that many years ago those stringing up black men had no doubts of their
guilt either... shamefully I don't think this has changed one iota.
The criminal justice system in the US is far from ideal but it's what exists
and with effort can be made better... but to ignore it is to promote, no, to
guarantee a regression to survival of the fittest. Tracy, your animal
instincts are no different from that of a feral beast... by your rationale
you'd not bat an eye when the talons of justice pluck one from your nest.
That man has three young innocent daughters, they deserve that their father
receive the fairest trial possible, not your kind of murderous mob mayhem...
they don't deserve to spend the rest of their lives choking on the kind of
bitter pill you prescribe.
Let's say he probably did it, but to ignore the rules of fairness places an
even more profound blight on society... I suppose you are incapable of
comprehending, or that no matter how deep in denile you reside, he remains one
of us. You certainly appear to imagine yourself better than us.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."