Thread: Mate
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Alex Chaihorsky
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It is GOOD that metal bambilla is getting hot - it is a warning sign that
your mate is way too hot... It is the burning from too hot a mate that
suddenly is being sucked into your mouth that is dangerous (which happens
precisely because your glass straw DO NOT GET HOT, not a slight heat nip on
the lip from your bombilla....
And the price for this thingy.... And the audacity of "The Most Remarkable
Tea Accessory Ever Invented"... I have to say that this provokes a huge

Also (IMHO) if regular green or black tea would have benefited from such way
of drinking it would at least be found somewhere in Chinese or other
tea-drinking cultures. My opinion - the aroma and the taste of C. Sinensis
teas opens up better when drunk "with air" and the supporting evidence is
the fact that tea masters always slurp the tea to mix tea with air while
tasting tea. Mate is different in many ways and mate drinkers developed the
straw-drinking technique also for the variety of reasons, no doubt.


"Nancy" > wrote in message
> Dada
> I suggest you go to they have a glass straw that is
> perfect for mate as well as other teas. It is much better for you
> than the metal straws. The glass straw is heat resistant and will not
> burn your lips like the metal straw. I use it for other teas as well
> and it is a very convenient way to brew tea in a cup.
> Enjoy your mate!
> Linda
> Dada wrote:
>> Today I have bought MATE. Very nice taste, really good.
>> I would like to know if any one of you have some experience with this
>> kind of infusion. I know it is not a tea, but I think a tea drink
>> should like it.
>> About quantity: how much MATE do you use for a cup? The instruction
>> are not really clear. They sei 3/4 of a particuar pumpkin they use in
>> Brasil to drink it. I don't owe any pumpkin like that, but only a
>> poor, simple tea cup. 3/4 of a cup looks really a lot. Levy Strauss
>> (it is written on the package) used an handful of it for one person. I
>> poured it by rough estimate. The taste was good, but I am not sure I
>> made a good mate. How many tea spoons do you use usually?
>> The MATE I bought has broken lieves inside: any quality has so? Do you
>> know any site or book about this drink?
>> I am sorry if I am off topic: i wish I don't.
>> Thanks
