The Biggest I have ever seen !!!
RMiller wrote:
> Recently returned from Mexico where in a Seafood place, was served the most
> absolutely huge shrimp that I have ever laid eyes on. They each one had a half
> a pound of meat , and were delicious. They were sauteed in butter with a LOT of
> garlic. I had NO IDEA that shrimp could be this size. The waiter said they
> came from Africa,-- Nigeria , I think. Has anyone else had these shrimp , or
> even seen them in the USA? One shrimp could easily make a meal. They served
> each of us, 1 1/2 shrimp and we could barely finish them!!
We used to serve U-4 shrimp in my restaurants. That means that fewer
than 4 made a pound, half the size of the ones you mentioned. They
were freshwater shrimp, farmed for the purpose.