Thanks for each of your inputs. Now I understand how to do a Hydrometer
reading. thanks!
p.s. Joe, "let it ferment down to dry". What does that mean? I
understand racking and "in between" racking, but down to dry has me
Joe Sallustio wrote:
> Dave,
> All is well, you take the beginning gravity and subtract the finished
> gravity to determine the rough amount of alcohol, you are over 12%
> without looking anything up. Sooner or later the hydrometer will stop
> falling, fermentation will cease.
> The way to check the hydrometer is to place it in distilled water at
> the temp it's rated for, usually 60 or 68F. It should read 1.000. The
> reason yours is lower in wine is because alcohol has a specific gravity
> of 0.79 and you have over 12% volume of alcohol replacing water in the
> solution.
> I really don't make kits but wine is wine; to be honest I really don't
> go in for all of this 'in between' racking. I let it ferment down to
> dry and then rack. (Most of my wine is made from fresh juice, i do make
> some from grapes too.)
> Most people who make kits say that time makes them better just like any
> other wine so don't be concerned about doing things at specific times,
> several months of aging will change any wine.
> Joe
> DAve Allison wrote:
>>Another new-bie question. Hydrometers scare me. :*)
>>I have a wine kit. Selection Pinot Noir. Primary fermenation begin I had
>>1.095 on my hydrometer. That was 8/26.
>>9/3 I racked to carboy, and it was .0996. instructions said 1.010 or
>>less. Which it was.
>>9/13 today, I am ready for stage 3 and it is reading .990 or possibly
>>less. Instructions say .996 or less. This is almost off the scale of the
>>hydrometer. but less.
>>My question:
>>1. If I look at my alcohol scale for hydrometer, this sounds like I have
>>a wine that is without alcohol. Heavens, don't tell me I just spent $70
>>to make 30 gallons of grape juice. Though tasty,my liver will complain.
>>2. If I'm not getting enough fermentation, any suggestions? Should I
>>attempt another yeast infection? (probably not the right term)
>>or just stick to the instructions, heck, it's a wine KIT, anyone can do
>>Thanks for all your inputs over the last few months. I am learning. honest.