I-zheet M'drurz wrote:
> Isaac Wingfield said:
> > We tried to make some of those for a picnic last weekend. Didn't
> > turn out too well -- they were a bit "loose" and soggy, and the
> > rolls didn't cut "cleanly" like the professionally-made ones
> > we've seen. We used chopped olives, tomato (de-juiced) ricotta
> > or feta cheese; forgot what else.
> >
> > Anybody got some recipes for tasty fillings *and a how-to*
> > they'd like to share?
> Not quite sure what the "lavosh" means, but I make several
> different varieties of these done in tortillas. One point
> that others mentioned is absolutely true: soggy in =
> soggy out.
"lavosh" = "lavish" ?