On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 04:30:29 -0500, aham pls >
>In article >,
>>In article >,
>>>That root beer float was the most revolting thing I've seen in my life, and
>>>since I've found Snadra, that's saying something.
>>>Just had to add, what in the world makes her think chocolate dipped pretzels
>>>are a good idea in a root beer float.
>>All I can say is (avert your eyes if you're the sensitive type) HOLY MOTHER OF
>>A "root beer float" that includes root beer, actual beer, and
>>cherry-chocolate-chip ice cream? That's all I need to hear; the
>>chocolate-dipped pretzels are positively sane in comparison.
>Especially since they (pretzel sticks) are strategically placed to poke you in
>the eye when you try to drink that abomination.
>Hubby and I watched yesterday. His comment: Bitch seriously likes to drink,
>doesn't she? Why does she try to cook? Why doesn't she just re-name the show
>"Semi Homemade Drinks" or "I'm a no talent lush?"
>The sound guys were trying to drown her out at the end when she was showing her
>tablescape. When I was at college (George Mason University) the guys across the
>hall from me had one whole wall of their living room covered in beer cans. I
>have no idea how they stuck them to the walls, though I have a feeling that it
>involved duct tape. They had a little card taped to a can, like you would see
>under a picture in a museum that told the reader how many beer cans there were,
>and the approximate value of all of the beer.
>As funny, and tacky, as that was it wasn't as tacky as say...telling people to
>print recipes on beer bottle labels and giving them as party favors, or having
>a coaster bookay.
>My neighbors were 18 year old college guys. What's Sandy's excuse??
Gz's !
I chuckle at all the comments people post about her show and have
always thought that ppl beat her up too much. But after hearing what
she did to a poor inocent berr, well that's where she crosses the line
with me!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF did that poor beer do to her????
That's it!
Sandra it on my permant shit list!!!!!
The only way she can get back in my good graces is to show up at my
front door, a beer in each hand.
Did I mention she also would have to be naked and dipped in chocolate?