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wrote in news:1126728680.046072.87200

> Hello, wine experts!
> I'd like to send wine as a gift to someone in Connecticut, but all
> online wine retailers I checked do not ship to Connecticut. Why? How
> can I get wine shipped to Connecticut?
> Thank you,
> Elana

WElcome to the world of wine and the draconian US laws of shipment. In
all too many states it is a criminal act to ship (and often to receive)
wine. Protection of minors repeatedly comes from the lips of
politicians, but not too many minors are A. short on alcohol from other
sources, or B buy qulaity wines for their Friday night parties. No the
answer lies with the protection of the liquor wholesalers who are
today's direct descendants of the Bootleggers of the 30's. Though they
no longer have to dodge the feds, they still look out for their money
with a tight fist.

Joseph Coulter
Cruises and Vacations