In on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 20:45:22 +1000
Brett Mount > wrote:
> However, you must remember that usenet is not a one to one system- while
> there may be reason to write Mr Sack's vote off, there are perhaps other
> potential voters reading who may be influenced by how he is answered now.
I'm one... in that I knew it was on, didn't worry much, but have been
reminded how isn't any use to me and how I'd like an Oz
Either there's enough traffic to somehow make that group less or there
isn't. If there isn't then I have contributed to it not being there

If there is, then there's enough to have an aus group.
Zebee Johnstone ), proud holder of Poser Permit #1.
"Motorcycles are like peanuts... who can stop at just one?"