Potent Brewskies
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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a
> On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:07:21 -0500, Michel Boucher =
m> wrote:
> >I'd trade all that for anything Belgian or
> You could easily add Belgian beers to the list, I am just not a big fan=
of them.
> WAY better than an US made stuff, but not my favorite.
The last time I was in Europe I spent some time in Belgium. The beer I ha=
d there was
incredible, the best I had ever tasted, by far. I have been disappointed =
with the
imported Belgian beers I have purchases here.
> > microbrewery stuff made in
> >Qu=E9bec.
> I would have agreed till you added that part, no place thats responsibl=
e for
> some thing as vile as poutine has a chance. There's a reason I've not b=
een back
> to montreal in 30 years.
You don't like heart attack on a plate? :-)
I don't think much of it either, but it has nothing to do with the beer. =
I visit my son
in Montreal several times a year and have tried some of those micro brewe=
ry beers, and
they are pretty good.
> > They're actually brewed locally by
> >big breweries who tone them down to meet the lowest possible popular
> >standard.
> The Diebels and the other german beers I purchase are most definitely n=
ot brewed
> here.
A number of "foreign" beers are produced domestically here under licence.=
They slap a
label on it, but it's not like the real European product. The Carlsburg b=
eer made here
is not even on the same scale as the real Danish Carlsburg.
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