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Default What do you make when you don't feel like eating?

Nexis saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us all
about it on Mon, 29 Sep 2003 18:29:13 -0700:

>Some days, I just don't feel like eating. It's not that I'm sick or
>anything...I just don't feel hungry. But, being diabetic, skipping meals
>isn't really a good plan, and besides, I do believe my family would be less
>than thrilled if I began saying "We're not having dinner tonight, ok?"...
>So, I just need some new ideas...things you might make if you don't feel
>like eating or like cooking, or just things you make when it's 7 p.m. and
>you forgot to take out that steak....

Eggs - scrambled, omelette etc
Toasted or grilled sandwiches
Take leftovers out the freezer and nuke em
Spaghetti or carbonara or macaroni cheese
Phone the pizza place
Get Chinese from the restaurant down the street


~Karen AKA Kajikit

Nobody outstubborns a cat...

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