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  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Victor Sack
Posts: n/a

Leanne > wrote:

> > As far as I'm concerend, they can address my concerns any time, right
> > now, for example. I don't think they lost any chances until the voting
> > is over. At least this ought to be so, logically.

> you've already made your mind up.

What a presumptuous assumption! You have said virtually the same thing
in reply to my very first mention of the need of statistical evidence
and that was my second posting on the subject (the first was about being a global newsgroup).

All to avoid doing your job as a proponent. You have clearly
demonstrated that you haven't even read the aus.* FAQ and that you have
no idea of what actually represents. Yet, you took
offence at once and are still sulking.

> Why should we try to change someone who is
> not willing to listen.

Have you even read any of my posts? As I told you before, you are
already up to your neck in it and it is time to stop digging. You are
the worst enemy of your own proposal. Apparently, you think that is your inalienable right, that anyone making an argument, no
matter which, against it is unreasonable or evil and is your personal
enemy. Some presumptuous assumptions of my own, if you will...

BTW, it is a very bad form for a proponent to change his/her monicker
until the whole process is over. They may know all your personas on; I imagine that very few people on rfc, to which you are
crossposting, have any idea that "Leanne" is the same person as "Ms
