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William R. Watt
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Default apple mint cinnamon jelly

This year's accidental jelly tastes like mulled cider. I had some
apple juice left over because I collect apples at the end of July
to add pectin to other fruit, but did not find much fruit that
needed extra pectin. So when all the jelly making was done there
was still a large jar of apple juice at the back of the 'fridge
slowly fermenting. I added a pinch of cinnamon because cinnamon
goes in apple pie, and cut a lot of mint from the back yard. The
mint leaves were just boiled up with the apple juice and then
strained out before the sugar was added. The sugared juice wasn't
thickening so a capfull of lemon concentrate was added after
which the juice thickened up fast and was poured into jelly jars.
The jelly has good form and colour and a really nice flavour.
My most successful jellies are often unplanned.

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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