Dog3 wrote:
> " > deliciously posted in
> :
>>I haven't seen anyone post anything about her layout in FHM magazine.
>>Skip this if you've seen it before, and sorry if it's old news (It
>>was, after all, in October's issue) You can see them online he
>>Click on the "slideshow" link under her photo on the left so you can
>>see the full images.
> I get the magazine, why I don't know. I saw her. I don't much care for
> her but I like some of her recipes on foodnetwork. She jabbers too much
> IMO. Much of it senseless jabber.
> Michael
Either she has some sort of hidden agenda, or what she did was sort of
crass? It would sadden me to see my daughters (in the future,)after
having established a career of some sorts, pose for pictures like those.
I mean, HELLO! What does that picture of her kissing/sucking the
strawberry really suppose to mean? And the one licking the spoon?
As a guy, I did find the pictures enjoyable, but I have no idea what the
purpose was.
Dum spiro, spero. (Cicero) As long as I breathe, I hope.