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  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I am now rather tired of the repetition of your objectives. What other
proposal for a new group would have the sort of statistical facts you want?
I can appreciate that you feel that we (the proponent and the supporters)
are not listening to you, however there have been quite a few of us who have
tried to give you what you want only to hear the same objections again and
again. You have the right to feel whatever you feel but please don't feel
that you need to berate us for wanting a group that represents a desire for
those of us in Australia to discuss food in a localised setting.

All I have to add is that I have participated in newsgroups for five years
now and have had many many discussions with other Aussies about food and
cooking in groups such as, alt.mothers,,, melb.general and occasionally on I am
on the Internet every day and spend over an hour every night lurking or
posting in groups as my relaxation. If goes through I would be
accessing and most likely posting on a daily basis. If it does not go
through I will be very cross as I do not find rfc meets my needs. There are
just too many posts that are not in least bit relevent to the food I eat,
the cooking shows I watch, the implements I could buy or the recipes I would
cook, which is a great pity, but that's how it is.
