Staycalm wrote:
> Victor,
> I am now rather tired of the repetition of your objectives. What
> other proposal for a new group would have the sort of statistical
> facts you want? I can appreciate that you feel that we (the proponent
> and the supporters) are not listening to you, however there have been
> quite a few of us who have tried to give you what you want only to
> hear the same objections again and again. You have the right to feel
> whatever you feel but please don't feel that you need to berate us
> for wanting a group that represents a desire for those of us in
> Australia to discuss food in a localised setting.
Victor got the proposal at least one "yes" vote -- mine. If not for
him, I probably wouldn't have voted.
Dan Goodman
Clutterers Anonymous unofficial community
Predictions and Politics
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.