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S'mee in WA
Posts: n/a

One time on Usenet, "Staycalm" > said:

> Victor,
> I am now rather tired of the repetition of your objectives. What other
> proposal for a new group would have the sort of statistical facts you want?

This whole subject is getting quite annoying. People keep taking
Victor's requests for traffic projections (information that I still
have not seen, in either the RFD or subsequent threads) as some sort
of personal attack. Did no one read the aus.* admin FAQ about group

"You should include the following information:

4. An estimate of expected traffic for this group and the current
traffic on the net related to this topic."

> I can appreciate that you feel that we (the proponent and the supporters)
> are not listening to you, however there have been quite a few of us who have
> tried to give you what you want only to hear the same objections again and
> again.

If so, you've hid it well behind all the whining. As mentioned, I
have yet to see a good analysis of what kind of traffic you expect,
merely complaints that Victor is asking for it. IF someone has
posted this information, I'd love to see it.

> You have the right to feel whatever you feel but please don't feel
> that you need to berate us for wanting a group that represents a desire for
> those of us in Australia to discuss food in a localised setting.


Please quote an example of this outrageous behavior.

I just can't understand what is so wrong about expecting the Proponant
to read and follow the aus.* FAQ for new group creation...

Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~