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Sheldon wrote:
> Kate wrote:
>>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>> Kate > wrote:
>>>>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>>>In article .com>,
>>>>>"SD" > wrote:
>>>>>>Leafy dark greens are hard to come by - except cabbage. He's on iron
>>>>>>supplements twice a day plus folic acid and doxycycline antibiotic. His
>>>>>>doctor wants iron rich foods added to his diet also. He is being
>>>>>>treated for ehrlichiosis (tick fever). The anemia and glaucoma are the
>>>>>>result of the rickettsial disease process.
>>>>>Here is a chart for you. It appears that clams are superior to beef in
>>>>>iron content! This was a surprise to me. :-)
>>>>>Hope this helps?
>>>>This surprises me no end ...... I have been interested in your quest for
>>>>things high in Iron. As I have grown older , I have had a hard time
>>>>keeping up my iron to donate blood as often as I use to. The Red Cross
>>>>told me last summer to eat raisins. Since I didn't like the liver she
>>>>first suggested. I have been doing this and not been turned down to
>>>>donate blood since. hugs, kate
>>>Did a quick google search for more charts:
>>>It appears that animal sources are best for B12:
>>>Looks like vegetarians are going to be subject to perenicious anemia due
>>>to B12 deficiency in the diet. I did a LOT of serching and could not
>>>find a good vegetable source of B12. This was a surprise!
>>>Benfits of raisins:
>>>This specifically says that raisins are good for anemia. ;-)
>>>So you were not wrong!
>>>There is far more to anemia than just "iron levels".

>>Apparently my problem was any _enema_. My doctor didn't find a problem
>>when he did blood work. I am lucky and happy for that. hugs again , kate

> How about before any hugs you remove that tube from your butt.
> Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
> Sheldon

So very sorry Sheldon, I was so sure you knew I wasn't perfect. Please
forgive me , kate