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In article >,
Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:

> Wayne Boatwright > said:
> > Nice meatloaf you've got there! The best burgers I consistently make are
> > 100% meat with no additions. I use 80% lean and hand form the patties.

> (I'm just attaching my comments to your post because it's the last one on
> my list - nothing negative about what you said at all)
> Doesn't anyone put chopped onions in their burgers? My dad used to make
> them that way, then grilled them over charcoal. I never cooked them that
> way myself until this (fading) summer. Damn! Those things are good! So
> much better than plain ol' meat.
> Okay, back to the meatloaf discussion ...
> Carol

When one is consuming a lot of meat in the diet (like I am at the
moment), plain meat burgers are going to get really boring really fast,
as is plain grilled chicken.

I'm fixin' to start experimenting with mixing stuff with my beef
(keeping it low carb) to make my "burgers" more interesting. Same with
the chicken. After seeing the earlier thread on chicken palliard (or
however the hell it's spelled!) I do want to try pounding spices/herbs
into the raw chickens breasts and/or thighs prior to grilling them.

So I did not think that meatloaf burgers was such a bad idea. :-)

I just hate clearing out my oven to make a baked meatloaf in a pan!
There are only two of us and this burns a lot of electricity, makes a
mess, heats up the house and is a PITA in general.

I think meatloaf patties, grilled or fried, are an excellent idea.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson