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In article .com>,
"Sheldon" > wrote:

> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > >

> > When one is consuming a lot of meat in the diet (like I am at the
> > moment), plain meat burgers are going to get really boring really fast,
> > as is plain grilled chicken.
> >
> > I'm fixin' to start experimenting with mixing stuff with my beef
> > (keeping it low carb) to make my "burgers" more interesting. Same with
> > the chicken. After seeing the earlier thread on chicken palliard (or
> > however the hell it's spelled!) I do want to try pounding spices/herbs
> > into the raw chickens breasts and/or thighs prior to grilling them.

> If only you had a meat grinder... you could make your own chicken meat
> loaf or chicken patty meat loaf... that's about the only way I do
> skinless/boneless chicken breasts... I don't really care for plain
> chicken breasts, no matter even if you cook them book-perfect they're
> still kinds dry and tasteless.... instead grind them with veggies,
> herbs, seasoning... then blend in some crumbs and a few eggs, form into
> whatever shape, brush with egg and coat with crumbs and fry, or bake.
> Breasts are kind of tender so you don't want to grill yours or the
> grill grate will slice into them like they're hard cooked eggs, if
> yoose think mamograms are bad... hehe
> If you had a meat grinder you could do the same with any meat, any cut
> of beef, pork, turkey, even fish... and you'll know exactly what/who is
> in it. Salmon loaf is great... I used to have a really good recipe
> where cottage cheese was added to the ground salmon mixture but it's
> nowhere to be found, I suppose one could experiment with a small
> recipe.
> Sheldon

I may very well have to look into that.
The kitchen aid can be a pita to set up for small amounts.

Do you have a good sausage spice recipe? Not a pre-mix?

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson