Thread: OT - Kid Brag
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"S'mee in WA" > wrote in message
> Over the summer, the principal challenged the kids to read for at
> least 25 hours (they kept logs); their reward was to be a root beer
> float. Well, it seems that Buddy's log was soooo good (37 hours),
> they want to give him and another child a pizza party, and needed
> parental permission (naturally I said "yes")...

Wow, good for him! I told my 3rd-grader about this, and he was suitably
impressed. Our school doesn't have a reading incentive over the summer,
but the county library system does. If the kids read 15 books, they get
a coupon book that contains a bunch of summertime-fun freebies...a free
cookie at the bakery, a free pint of ice cream at the supermarket...we
got our coupon books (for the 5-yo and 8-yo) early on, but kept
forgetting to use them! I think we still have a couple of weeks left,
so thanks for reminding me.
