home made burgers
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Melba's Jammin'
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(Phred) wrote:
> G'day Sheldon,
> I was interested to see your comment below about using a meat grinder
> for "mixing" ingredients as distinct from simply making mince.
> What do you call a "meat grinder" over there these days? My ancient
> mincer is a thing with a hopper and a small auger that forces stuff
> though a perforated plate with a rotating cutter at the end. It
> simply clamps onto the edge of the kitchen table so the winding handle
> can be turned fully, and the minced stuff falls out the other end into
> whatever you've put under it (or onto the table top
> That sound anything like yours?
Same thing.
-Barb, <> Sam I Am! updated 9-12-05
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