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"Vilco" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Mi e' parso che Bob Terwilliger abbia scritto:
>>>> That pasta sucks, I fear.

>>> Another brand... OK, I'll try that!

>> I'm pretty sure that Vilco was making a joke about how
>> the pasta SUCKED IN all the sauce. Get it?

> LOL, nice interpretation, but your english is better than mine: I didn't
> even think to the normal meaning of "suck". Too much Beavis & Butthead in
> the past years, methinks
> Anyway, back to pasta: if it drinks so much liquid so quickly, it was
> probably a bad pasta. Good pasta sucks up much liquid only if you let it
> in the liquid for some hours, not in the time you prepare and serve it.
> Maybe Barilla can help, here, since it gets dehidrated quickly, thus
> providing a more "glassified" surface which in turn helps to reduce liquid
> intake. This effect is also useful when you cook it too long: it will take
> longer to overcook it.
> --
> Vilco
> Think Pink , Drink Rose'

I think, instead, that the problem is only the kind of pasta. vermicelli are
very thin (they cook in 1-2 minutes) and they aren't proper to be cooked
with an heavy cream mixed with pesto. Vermicelli, IMHO, should be seasoned
only with a light tomatoes sauce : a lot of oil, some onions, tomatoes and
