MoM wrote:
> "djs0302" > wrote in message
>>Sheldon wrote:
>>>Dee Randall wrote:
>>>>Other than the ubiquitous Philadelphia Cream Cheese, are there any
>>>>that anyone else prefers? The Philadelphia Cream Cheese is tasting a
>>>>sweet to me as of late and I need a change for a couple of recipes.
>>>Other than store brands I've never seen any other brand but Philly...
>>>and guess who makes all the store brands.
>>I got some cream cheese from Aldi's last Christmas season to make
>>cheesecakes and a cheese ball. It was the worst cream cheese I've ever
>>had. The flavor was horrible and the texture was very grainy.
> I've tried Philly and the no-name in Canada as well as Pres Choice. I find
> no difference in any of them.
> MoM
This is a *me too*. I end up buying what is on sale since I use the
block cream cheese and the spreadable. I was told by a person in the
industry that Canada has a certain standard that all cream cheeses must
meet and that is why there is no noticeable difference. I wasn't
interested enough to research this as all taste the same IME. OTOH I
notice just a slight difference between cream cheese sold in the US and
and Canada. Perhaps the there is a stronger difference between the
cream cheese brands in the US. We've noticed several slight differences
in taste in products made in the US vs. Canada. Most notably is rye.
Americans refer to rye as whiskey and according to DD it tastes very rough.
Other slight little differences - American bartenders look at you very
strange if you try ordering rye and pepsi but most in border areas know
what rye & CC is. Restaurants have a hard time with the concept of
vinegar as a condiment for fries too. Then there is that stuff that
looks like thin slices of round ham they try to pass off as Canadian
bacon when Canadians know peameal is the true Canadian bacon