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Nancy Young wrote:
> "MoM" > wrote
> > "Dimitri" > wrote in message

> >> If it weren't for Glucosamine I'd have steel knees.

> > It's great stuff! I take glucosamine and chondroitin in one capsule.
> > But... I've already had one surgery and I'm trying to avoid another. I've
> > lost a lot of weight and that helps, but unfortunately the damage is
> > already done and arthritis doesn't go away.

> What is that? Can I just buy it at the store? Or do I have to go back
> to my orthopedic surgeon?

Depends on how much cartilage is gone and your particular body
chemistry but for most people it can take too many years for
glucosamine to build up cartilage, and in most cases cartilage erodes
faster than glucosamine replaces it. Orthopedists nowadays recommend a
course of "Synvisc"... no legit Orthopedist will consider knee
replacement before the patient tries at least two rounds.
