In article >, (Victor Sack) wrote:
>Phred > wrote:
>> (Not sure about
>> bunging fish through it though
>Most assuredly you can do that. Depends on the fish and the dish, of
>course. Consider, for example, various fish rissoles, the French fish
>quenelles, the Jewish Vorschmack and gefilte fish, etc.
Yeah. But why make rissoles out of good fresh fish? (And that's the
only sort I enjoy eating! Just bake 'em whole; or grill or fry the
fillets -- freshly smoked mackeral is pretty good stuff too.
I guess if one has to buy fish from a retailer that has probably been
frozen for weeks, if not months, then you have to go to some effort to
disguise the flavour. ;-)
Cheers, Phred.